This is topic I hope there's NOT a Legion movie in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Many people have hoped for a Legion movie - because it would be fun, it might bring new readers to our beloved book, we like to speculate on who could play which character.

However, I was reading some reviews of League of Extraordinary Gentlement yesterday and does it sound like a stinker! One of my favorite books, too. Alas, alas, alack.

A lot of the comic movies don't measure up to expectations. I wonder if Hollywood could handle the big cast, the special effects (without being hokey or overbearing), and come up with a plot that could be credibly wrapped up within 2 hours.

Just a case of fearing that the negative risks outweigh the positive possiblities, perhaps.

Legion movie: Will it be made? If so, will it be botched?
Posted by lil'rhino on :
An animated LEGION movie or series might work, but a live action one? Never.

Posted by Greybird on :
Hollywood has such a voracious appetite for material, especially in the cable-TV age -- and graphic novels / comics are enough in the long-term vogue -- that I see an attempt at such a live-action movie as being entirely possible.

I share FC's fears about its being diluted or botched, though. Especially if it's star-driven, as most such projects are from the beginning, in order to corral financing.

(The "X-Men" films seem to be an exception, though. Nobody in the first film's cast had star megawattage, apart from Patrick Stewart's "Trek" persona being well-known. And Halle Berry's Oscar was only a coincidence between the first and second films.)

Animated treatments are far more likely, and would be easier to hold to the spirit and presumed look of the 31st Century setting. I'd say a "Final Fantasy" style is most promising.

Yet even this would have the Legion's huge cast working against it. Twenty LSH figures in a single described short scene in a "Superman" animated story is one thing. Keeping them going for a full feature is another one entirely.

If I can get in touch again with my old Northwestern U dorm-mate, Tim Johnson, to compliment him for his co-directing job on DreamWorks' "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas," I'll ask him about the prospects.

(Tim's film, as with his "Antz," has large and subtle innovations, and is a delight to view, though the plot is an ancient and well-trodden formula. Ignore the critics' complaints. You should see it on the big screen.)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I agree, not a live action one. Unless it could be done as a tasteful television series ala Smallville.

But an animated show, as long as it stayed away from the Teen Titans model (have I said before I dislike Anime?), would be great. Even something along the animated Batman or Superman by Bruce Timm. We've already seen how well that worked in New Kids on the Block (if I recall the episode's name correctly).
Posted by Dev Em on :
I have to agree ith the animated version being the way to go...whether it be in Movie or television form.

I cannot understand for the life of me why the Legion has never made it to the little toob in every childs living room.

There are multitudes of colorful characters...which, for kids memorizing every Pokeman character there is, should not represent a big stumbling block.

There is the futuristic setting.

The merchandise/toy tie in potential is huge...

Somebody get on this!!!!!!
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I can't help remembering some of the futuristic scenes from Minority Report, and as a result am sorely tempted to wish for a movie.

But, as with all things, it is only worthwhile if it is done properly. And there is so much potential for it to be done wrong, that I have to vote for an animated series.

I'd prefer not to see an animated movie, as animated movies tend to automatically limit their subjects to an audience of kids.
Posted by The Big Bad on :
I agree with those who say animated series would work the best, especially if it uses the X-Men Evo model: introduce a small number of heroes as the main cast in the first, season develop them, and continue adding heroes as the seasons go on. It worked for them; they have what, like twenty five well developed characters in the show?

A couple of related questions: which members would become the starting/starring lineup of such a show? The set limit is nine, cause that's how may starring characters X-Men Evo had in it's first season, not counting the brotherhood. Second question: art style would you like to see used in an animated series. Personally I'd go for X-Men Evo or TMNT style.

My lineup

Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Live Wire
Brainiac 5
Invisible Kid
Shrinking Violet
Posted by Kid Prime on :
This reminds me of the old Legion Animated Survivor game... [Smile]

As for the movie... the only person who could hope to direct a live action project, in my opinion, is a director who would have absolutely NO interest in the material. Robert Altman. He's known for directing GREAT films with 25+ main characters in the cast.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
An animated Legion series would most likely end up feeling like "G.I. Joe" or "Transformers" since they also had a huge lineup that was hard to keep track of. It'd be almost impossible for each character to be developed so a lot are going to fall by the wayside and not have many lines other than "Long Live the Legion!" I think a cool "core" lineup for an animated show would be:
-- Cosmic Boy
-- Saturn Girl
-- Spark
-- Ultra Boy
-- Apparition
-- Chameleon
-- Gates
-- Brainiac 5
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I saw "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and enjoyed it. Granted, I've not read the comic, and I understand much of Moore's subtlety and darkness was lost. But I enjoyed the characters and setting of the movie, even though the plot was a bit too "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" for me.

As for a Legion movie ... I think it could be done, but you'd have to focus on a small core of characters, as people have suggested. For the first movie (and you know there will be sequels planned), it would be effective to focus on the early days, keeping the final lineup no more than 13, much as was done with the early postboot. (In fact, the political machinations of President Chu, et. al, would serve as an excellent backdrop or even main plot.)

Some things would have to be excised or condensed. M'Onel/Valor's back story confuses comics fans; no point in dragging down a movie with it. They would have to come up with a totally new origin for him, most likely.

But, if the movie starts out in familiar territory -- Garth, Imra and Rokk saving the life of Mr. Brande -- then goes on to show Brande's idealism in creating the Legion conflicting with the political tensions of the UP -- it could be a workable and exciting script. With CGI and other examples of modern movie magic, it would probably be easy to create the 31st century and the Legionnaires' powers.
Posted by The Big Bad on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
An animated Legion series would most likely end up feeling like "G.I. Joe" or "Transformers" since they also had a huge lineup that was hard to keep track of. It'd be almost impossible for each character to be developed so a lot are going to fall by the wayside and not have many lines other than "Long Live the Legion!"

I beg to differ. Again, look at X-Men Evolution. That shows introduced tons of characters over it's life, and has managed to develop/give screen time to almost all of them, including the villains. The key is to use small groups in each episode, and develop them.

[ July 22, 2003, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: The Big Bad ]
Posted by Reep on :
I was very surprised that 81% said in my LW Census that they thought there would never be a Legion movie. Yet there was quite a high desire in my Wish List Poll for an animated Legion movie.

I agree with Grey & Wanderer that a Legion live action movie has more potential than seems at first glance, especially after that success of X-Men. I think ILM and their like would love to take on the Legion mythos, i.e settings, powers, costumes, misc special effects. I don't see that as any hinderance, but rather a stimulus. Likewise the large cast. X-men has provided a casting template in terms of developing major and minor super-characters that generate viewer interest.

But most likely, an animated Legion movies/series will occur first and prepare the "ground of popularity" (to coin a phrase) necessary for wide appeal of Legion live action movie. Just as I feel Super-Friends and JLAdventures have paved the way for what most likely willbe the first DC team movie in a few years - the JLA.

I think Legion has a better shot at being the 2nd DC team in live action movie than JSA because of it's young cast and combined classic sci-fi settings of outer space and the future. It will be pitched as "X-Men meets Star Wars" and will have a million movie producers absolutely drooling. I don't see that many production or marketing roadblocks to a Legion movie. It just has to get in the 3-5 year development pipeline that seems to be the current model.

I also agree with Wanderer about League of Extroardinary Gentlemen. I really enjoyed it. I was amazed at the bad reviews, but I think I see a common pro-youth prejudice in them. Super-hero action flicks aren't supposed to have old leads (Connery) or be in the 19th century. One reviewer called it "X-men for blue-hairs."

Yuppie snot.

Probably likes something very shallow and yuppieish that I can't think of right now because I'm an old wheezing constipated fart in a misbuttoned bad shirt.

Don't knock it. Keeps me out of the army. [Big Grin]

[Chameleon Boy]
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
I too would prefer animation over live-action, and a series rather than a movie -- something more suitable for the Sci-Fi Network rather than the Cartoon Network with all the dark elements intact, including the death of characters. I want sophisticated graphics reminiscent of Copiel and a rousing music score by John Williams (fat chance). I want it to start in the midst of action, e.g., an attack by the Fatal Five, rather than the Origins story, which can be told in flashbacks. I want story arcs, not unconnected episodes, except for character spotlights wherein each Legionnaire will eventually get his/her due. I want the entire post-boot cast of characters, not just selected ones, and I want to see them interacting on Legion World in all its enormous glory. I imagine a Legion series would have to include Superboy now. That's OK with me as long as he doesn't entirely hog the spotlight.

Just fantasizing, of course.

[ July 22, 2003, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
After reading more posts and givig it some more thought, I'm starting to think it's not so impossible to do a series of even a feature of the Legion.

ActI would be the RJ Brande assassination attempt origin with the three founders.

ActII would be the initial membership recruiting getting the team up to about ten culminating in a battle with the main bad guy responsible for the assassination attempt. They'd lose this battle and maybe one or two Legionnaires would die.

ActIII would be the team coming back in *full force* (about 20 -- there could be a montage membership drive). The team would be split into smaller squads at first then come together for a monstrous final battle of some kind where the Legion emerges victorious.

This bare bones outline was just my way of figuring out how a film could handle a large Legion yet still not overload the audience.

A second film would center around Mon-el, the phantom zone and the Time Trapper.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Another DC property with a large and diverse cast of characters may be coming to the big screen. Jim Henson Pictures announced in San Diego that they are negotiating with DC to adapt the Vertigo book "Fables", with Jeanette Kahn as producer. Now, I'm not even remotely suggesting a muppet Legion (remember, the Henson Company was also responsible for the live-action sci-fi series, Farscape), but if "Fables" is considered a viable property, there's nothing implausible about a Legion movie/series.

[ July 23, 2003, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
AAAACK! Another of my favorites, Fables, to hit the Hollywood mangler? At least with the Legion, most people would be starting fresh with the characters (except Superboy, if they included him) - no preconceptions as I would have. With Fables, I wonder if you'd get people in up arms because the Big Bad Wolf is a human security guy, or Prince Charming is a total creep.

After reading everyone's ideas here, the concept of a Legion movie seems a lot more feasible. I still don't have a lot of faith that it would be handled well - but I almost wish there would be one now. Maybe if you guys write the script, cast the characters and direct.

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