This is the official thread to debate how to pronounce the names of your favorite Legion characters and their planets!
Personally, I favor:
Gim = sounds like "Jim" Thom = sounds link "Tom" Jan = sounds like "yawn" Ayla = rhymes with "Layla" Tinya = like "Tina" with a 'y'
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's one that always fuels debates.
Is it Dark'seed' or Dark'side'?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I tend to favor:
Gim = sounds like "Jim" Thom = sounds like "Tom" Jan = sounds like "Jan" (as in Jan Brady) Ayla = rhymes with "Layla" Tinya = like it sounds (TIN'/ya)
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Here's one that always fuels debates.
Is it Dark'seed' or Dark'side'?
I imagine since the cartoon, most people favor "Dark' SIDE" (isn't that how they said it in "Superfriends" too?)-- I used to think "Dark'seed" until "Cosmic Odyssey" when Orion said something like, "I tend to see the DARK SIDE of things..."
Posted by Star Boy on :
Here's my barbaric southern interpretations:
Gim = sounds like "Jim" Thom = sounds like "Tom" Jan = sounds like "Jan" (soft-g) Ayla = rhymes with "Layla" Tinya = like "Tin-ya"
and Darkseid = sounds like "dark side", natch.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'll echo Star Boy on the pronounciations.
But this got me thinking, you could even have the "y" in Tinya & Ayla a separate syllable - as in Tin-ee-a or A-ee-la. I prefer the more simple interpretations, though.
Here's another: is it TAS-mia or Tas-MI-a? Or something else?
Posted by Greybird on :
Aside from noting my always saying "Ayla" as EYE-luh, I'll note an amusing sidebar:
Sidne Gail Ward's "Legion of Super-Gamblers" is a get-together each Summer in Las Vegas for a long fan weekend. She's said that one of the most amusing (or jarring) aspects of that event is to have other Legion fans in close proximity ... and to have them pronounce the Legionnaires' names, without a second thought, in ways YOU would have never thought to do.
Why do you think I've missed that soiree myself? {rueful smile}
[ July 17, 2003, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I've always thought it was TAS-mi-a, myself.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Gim = sounds like Gim, hard 'g' Thom = sounds like Thom, 'th' sound Jan = sounds like Jan, soft 'g' Ayla = rhymes with "Layla" Tinya = like Tina, silent 'y' Darkseid = Dark"side" Tasmia = TAS-mia
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Perhaps it's Taze-my-yeah and Dark-sea-id
[ July 17, 2003, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Princess Crujectra ]
Posted by minesurfer on :
Somebody had to do it, but I gotta agree with Greybird...
Ayla = EYE-luh
the rest...
Gim = Jim Garth = Garth Thom = Tom Jan = Jan (like the Brady) Darkseid = Dark Side (like the force) Tinya = TIN-yuh Tasmia = Taz-MEE-ah Querl = Squirrel but without the S Bgtzl = Big-TIZ-el
I can't remember Gates' proper name right now, but that probably needs a little discussion too (and his home planet Vryga or something like that).
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Gim = sounds like "Chester" Thom = sounds link "Grover" Jan = sounds like "Winston" Ayla = rhymes with "Hortence" Tinya = like "Penelope"
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Grey, I think we are the only ones who think EYE-la. Maybe we're just more enlightened. ;-)
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Jack Kirby allegedly pronounced it "Dark Side." He seems to have deliberately chosen a German-looking spelling ("seid" could be pronounced either "zide" or "zite").
As for two of the others, I favor the hard "g" for "Gim" and "Eye-la."
Gates' real name, as I recall, is T'jullk M'rasz. I suspect one probably needs a bug-like mouth to pronounce it correctly. (It probably has a few "clicks" we can't make.) But a humanized guess would be "tah-JOOLK more-AZZ" [or "more ass," if you're so inclined].)
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I picked up "Brawl" for Braal from the neat little DC Direct skit they used to have on the DC page.
I'll never accept Why-nath, however.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Do that many people really say "TIN-ya" rather than "TEEN-ya"? I'm shocked!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I always pronounce Tasmia 'Taz-myuh', with a really quick second/third syllables to almost rhyme with 'Tin-yuh'.
And for Querl (Brainy, since he's never called this anymore), Quer (as in query)- el. And I know what else that sounds like, but I didn't as a 9 or 10 year old, so there.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
How about Cham? Sure we know how to pronounce 'chameleon', but what about the nickname?
I've always pronounced it 'sham', but the pronunciation of the root word would imply 'cam' or 'cum' or, literally taken 'cham'.
So which is it?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Maybe that's the dreaded third 'living weapon' of Durla.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Sounds like a porno waiting to be made!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
It just seems awkward to me to say "Kam" or, worse, "Come." So, I've always said "Sham," as well.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Nice to hear someone else says "sham". It's embarassing...the root of the whole thing is that I didn't know how 'chameleon' was pronounced when I was a kid first picking up the Legion. I thought the word was said like 'SHAM-a-lon' based largely on evreyone calling him Cham. It was an eye-opener when I realized how the word should be said, but I stuck with saying 'sham' for the nickname.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Gim = hard "G" Thom = sounds like "Tom" Jan = rhymes with jam Ayla = "Eye-la" Tinya = like "Tina" with a 'y' Cham = Cam Darkseid = Darkseed
I looked it up in encyclopedia galactica, you can all go home now. [wink]
Posted by MYG on :
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Here's one that always fuels debates.
Is it Dark'seed' or Dark'side'?
I've been collecting the Legion for about 23 years now, and until very recently, I always pronounced it "Dark...seed". Although it always sounded "right" to me, I've been recently corrected.
Posted by Poverty Lad on :
quote:Originally posted by Mystery Lad: And for Querl (Brainy, since he's never called this anymore), Quer (as in query)- el.
Queer-El, huh? What would Kara say? Too bad it doesn't stand up to gradeschool humor, I actually really like that for the pronunciation. Query-- that'd be appropriate for Brainy! I always read it as sounding like Squirrel myself, though...
And I'm surprised after Apartheid, people didn't start proncing it "Dark-SATE"... It's always been DarkSIDE for me.
Lou-OR-new, SAY-loo, AY-la, TAZ-me-uh, Jim Allen, Kam or Kuh-MEAL-yun...
Posted by Stu on :
Gim = Jim Thom = Tom Jan = rhymes with tan Ayla = EYE-la (I know someone who has this name, and this is how she pronounces it) Tinya = TIN-ya Tasmia = TAS-mi-a Luornu = lu-OR-nu Mysa = MEE-sa Cham = like "calm," but without so much "L" sound Querl = rhymes with where'll Darkseid = darkside Winath = rhymes with Gwyneth (as in Paltrow) Braal = brawl Bgtzl = big-tizzle
Posted by minesurfer on :
I am surprised not to have seen this one mentioned yet...
Shvaugn = ? I think of it as SH-von
[ July 18, 2003, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Shvaughn seems to be a furture version of Siobhan, which is pronounced "sho-von." That's how I pronounce it.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
You say tomato, I say:
Tasmia = TAZ'-mee-uh Braal = brahl' ("ah" as in "say 'ah'") Mysa = MISS'-uh
What about Dr. Gym'll? I say GIM'-l(hard G)
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
The following are how I've always pronounced them:
Mysa = MY suh Tinya = TIN yuh Tasmia = TAZ me uh Cham = Kam Luornu = Lou OR nuh or Lou OR new (Ive used both) Ayla = A luh Salu = SAL ew
Posted by LARDLAD on :
For the record...
Gim = Jim Thom = Tom Jan = rhymes with tan Ayla = eh-la (with the "eh" like Canadians say it!) Tinya = TIN-ya Tasmia = TAS-me-a Luornu = lu-OR-nu Mysa = MY-za Cham = sham Querl = kinda like "squirrel" but with one syllable) Darkseid = darkside Winath = WHY-neth Braal = braille Bgtzl = BICKT-zel
Hey! Let's raise the stakes! Any pronunciation that gets a clear majority---we have to pronounce it that way every time we say it, aloud or in our heads, from now on!
Posted by toddcam on :
Hey, I was talking about the "future" names that the Legionnaires have, and my friend suggested that Gim, as in Gim Allon, might be an odd spelling of "Jim." We had been pronouncing it "Geem," with the "g" being as in "go." What's the general consensus about this? Is it "Gim," "Geem," "Jim" or "Jeem"?
Posted by googoomuck on :
I've always read it as "Jim" as in Gym class.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I've always pronounced it as "Jim."
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've always used the hard 'g' to pronounce it Gim instead of Jim.
Posted by Proty II on :
I'm so used to Elvish that I generally assume that G and C are always hard.
Of course I still get a chuckle out of pronouncing vicissum as we kiss em.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I've always pronounced it as "Jim", but it probably is a hard "G" now that you've got me thinking about it.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I always thought the 'g' was a hard 'g' as well.
Posted by Juan on :
This is funny!
See, I've always pronounced it the Spanish way: Khim (similar to 'him', as in him or her).
If the correct sound in his name was the hard 'g', in Spanish one would spell his name 'Guim' (the u here is mute); if the correct sound was the soft 'g', in Spanish we'd spell his name Yim.
Not that any of this matters, seeing that the comic book is written in English...
Posted by Bevis on :
Another one for the hard G here, although pretty much any of the pronunciations could be right. I'm quite taken by Juan's Spaish pronunciation though.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Always said Gim as in gimboid
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Hard g here.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Another hard G
Changing to the shameless hussy. Is it pronounce "I'm a" or "Er ma" (I pronounce it "Erma"
Posted by Bedlam Lad on :
And yet another hard G here too. Don't you just love these fun future names?
Posted by minesurfer on :
It always hit me as a Jim. Never once thought of it as a hard "G".
I'm thinking we could expand this topic too. We did it once on another board, but have yet to see it here (doesn't mean we haven't done, it's just that I haven't seen it).
Other names with suspect pronunciations:
Ayla - Eye Luh Shvaughn - Sh Von Bgztl - Bigzittle Querl - Like Squirrel but without the "S"
Feel free to add any others.
Posted by Bevis on :
Ayla I think of as aye-la, Shvaughn always just seems like another spelling of Siobhan to me. Bgtzl... eh, that's one of those names that i just sort of mentally skip because I have no clue as to how it's supposed to be said.
And Querl is exactly how you've put it minesurfer, assuming you're talking with an American accent.
Over at the GLA yahoo group I seem to remember a lot of discussion about how Thom is pronounced too. Is it just 'Tom' spelt with an h or do you pronounce it actually with a hard, or soft, 'th'? Personally I've just read it as 'Tom'.
Posted by minesurfer on :
You caught me. I was actually using my fake Cockney accent. I'll go back to sounding American.
Thom = Tom as far as I'm concerned.
I've never seen Tomas. So it only makes sense that when you shorten Thomas to Thom that you retain the sound of the initial syllable.
Which would bring us to an interesting situation with the initial "Gim" that started this thread.
To me Gim = Jim. Since Jim is shortened from James, a logical conlusion would be that Gim is shortened from Games. To me Games has a hard "G", but for some reason I can't pronounce Gim with a hard "G".
Imra = himra without the h
Gates has a funny real name too, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. His planet would also be susceptible to sophomoric proununciations too I believe.
This all brings up the question of how do you pronounce Siobhan? (and don't say it's pronounced Shvaughn either, 'cause if you did I would have to think that you are a rabid anti-Stu-dite).
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Ayla - A (as in hay or weigh) la
Bgtzl - Big-zle (I leave the T as silent
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Shvaughn - Shih-Vaughn
Posted by Director Lad on :
I've always thought of them this way: "Jim" "Tom" "Eye-luh"
Here's the tough one: is the shortened version of Shrinking Violet's name pronounced Veye or Vee? I realize that Veye is more logical (and has been used in the book), but for some reason Vee has always seemed more natural to me. I've always though of it as just the first letter of "Violet" rather than the first two letters.
I suppose I'm the only one who pronounces it that way.
Posted by Comet King on :
Jim Tom A (as in hey!) la
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad: I've always used the hard 'g' to pronounce it Gim instead of Jim.
This is how I used to pronounce it when I was a kid. Back in the late '80s I finally realized that it probably was just a creative spelling for "Jim" and have pronounced it hte former way ever since.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
I've always pronounced Gim as Jim, not because it's my name, but because he's occasionally been called Giant Gim or Gigantic Gim, which I take to be an alliterating nickname. Jigantic Gim just sounds dumb.
I've always pronounced Salu as Sall-oo, not Say-loo.
Thom as Tom. One of my best friends spells his name this way.
Nura as Nuhr-uh
Shikari as Shuh-KAR-ee
Ayla as A-luh
Luornu as Lorna, just to make it easier.
Cuisimano as Koo-zee-mahn-oh (which brings up the question of is GiGi a hard or soft G? Or one of each? )
and Tyroc as Token.
Everybody else I agree with the Duke on.
[ February 13, 2004, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by jimgallagher: I've always pronounced Salu as Sall-oo, not Say-loo.
I used to as well, but it bugged me to have all those people on HEE HAW jumping up out of cornfields yelling her name all the time, so I changed it.
Posted by toddcam on :
Don't know if this affects your pronunciations, but the spellings are Ti'julk Mr'asz and Zoe Saugin.
Posted by STU on :
Jim Tom Loo-OR-noo SAH-loo EYE-luh IM-rah Big-ZIT-sul
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Since it came up in "JLA Adventures" with the Legion, how do you pronounce "Kilg%re"??
Posted by minesurfer on :
I read it like the % wasn't there, and the most appropriate vowel "o" was. It was Kilgore to me.
This is the one thing about the issue that I didn't like. I mean everytime I was really starting to get into the Legioness of the issue, trying to figure out how to pronounce the Kilg%re just threw me back into the real world. It really broke up the rhythm of the issue, until I just decided Kilgore it is.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I tried once putting the word "percent" in place of the %, but "Kilgpercentre" just doesn't work visually.
I've always assumed "Thom" to be "Tom"
But I used to read "Imra" as "Irma" until I realized I was transposing letters.
And I always read Querl as "quairl" (more of an "a" sound than an "e"). But the "squirrel" comparison makes sense.
And I always treated the pronunciation of "VI" as "VEYE" as that was the abbreviated version of the full "Violet". It's either that or her friends were calling her "Roman Numeral Six"!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Vi has always been Vee for me.
Gim = Jim for me too. Salu = sah-loo
And am I the only one who read "Zoe" as "Zo" (kinda like Jo or Joe) until just recently? Yeesh, the things we learn (Or don't learn) over here!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Hard "g" on Gim for me.
But I never thought of pronouncing it "Geem" before. That almost makes him sound French: "Geem a-LON."
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
Another hard G.
I always pronounced Querl like it was spelt but pronouncing it like it rhymes with squirrel is genius.
and Bgztl= Big-Zittle
What about Jan? I remember someone was telling me once that they pronounced it "Yon".
Posted by Greybird on :
For me: Gim (Jim), Ayla (EYE-luh), Imra (IM-ruh), Salu (SAH-loo), Bgztl (BIGZ-tull), Zoe (ZO-eeee), Querl (KWER-ull)
What will really be entertaining will be if any large number of us get together this summer in San Diego.
Sidne Gail Ward has told me, of the "Legion of Super-Gamblers" meetings in Las Vegas from recent years, that it was truly amusing to have many Legion fans up close and personal -- and constantly adjusting their pronunciations of the characters' names!
Posted by minesurfer on :
Zoe was always Zoe (rhymes with go) to me.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Is there any way to post .wav files of people saying the names properly?
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Eye-la Sah-loo V-eye Shi-vauhn
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I just remembered another one I used to mispronounce, many years ago as a kid. When the Legionnaires would call Reep "Cham", I used to pronounce it with a soft-C, so I was reading it as "Sham". And I couldn't understand why his nickname would be Sham, since it was short for "Chameleon Boy". Hindsight reveals I was the one with the failing logic. Of course "Cham" is with a hard-C sound and a silent "h". I now think of it like "Kam" (rhymes with jam)
Posted by Varalent on :
quote:Originally posted by Omni Craig: I just remembered another one I used to mispronounce, many years ago as a kid. When the Legionnaires would call Reep "Cham", I used to pronounce it with a soft-C, so I was reading it as "Sham". And I couldn't understand why his nickname would be Sham, since it was short for "Chameleon Boy". Hindsight reveals I was the one with the failing logic. Of course "Cham" is with a hard-C sound and a silent "h". I now think of it like "Kam" (rhymes with jam)
That's funny! I thought I was the only one who did that, Omni.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I've always pronounced Cham as "sham," too.
If you think about it, it does make sense. A sham is something fake, after all.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
How about Mekt?
I've always assumed it rhymed with "sect", but it could also be a long e or even a long a sound.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Just got back from a discussion on how to pronounce Element Lad's alias - so i decided to take it one step further with:
Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox (Pronounced: Kwirl Dokes or Docks?) Bouncing Boy - Chuck Taine (Tayne or Tyne?) Blok - pronounced "Block" or the Aussie expression "Bloke"? Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (Reap Daygul?) Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn (Ruck Krenn?) Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (is the G pronounced as J or a softer G, Is Allon pronounced All-on or A-lon? Chemical King - Condo Arlik (Carndo Orlick or Ah-lick) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (Nuhrah? Noorah? and is the surname pronounced Now?) Duo Damsel - Luornu Durgo (Loo-or-noo Dirjo or is the g sound softer?) Invisible Kid - Lyle Norg (Li-ul Nore-g) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Vahl Ah-more) Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz (Gorth or Gahr-ff, Rah-nzz or Rains?) Light Lass (i always wondered if her first name was pronounced Ay-lah or I-lah?) Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (Ten-zul Chem) Mon-el - Lar Gand (Lah-r or Lay-r Gann-d or Gah-nd) Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo (Teen-ya or as its spelt, Wazzo (Wasso or Way-zoh) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (Eem-rah or Imm-ra, Ardeen (rhymes with sardine) or Ahr-de-en?) Shadow Lass - Tasmia Malor (in some issues was written as Mallor) Taz-myah or Taz-mee-uh, Maylor or Muh-lor) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (Say-lu or Sah-lu Dig-bee or Die-g-bee) Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna (Durk Morr-gnah) Star Boy - Thom Kallor ( in Thomas or as "Fom")? Kah-lor or Kay-lor Ultra Boy - Jo Nah (Joe Nuh or Na-ah)? White Witch - Mysa Nal (is Mysa pronounced Mice-uh, or is the s sound harsh like the word "miser"?)
Pick out what you like from the group and discuss it with other posters or think about what your interpretations of the names might be. I guess the pronounciation differs according to various American dialects. But have a least it gets u thinking.
Posted by Vee on :
Here are my thoughts;
Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox (Pronounced: Querl = Kwhirl like Whirl with a k in front; Dox = Cox, box, lox ) Bouncing Boy - Chuck Taine (like Cain i.e Cain & Abel) Blok - (pronounced "Block") Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (Reap Daygul- yep that's how I "hear" it) Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn (Rokk = Rock; Krinn = Grin with a K instead of G) Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (I've always thought of it as "Jim", Allon = Allen with an O as is "on") Chemical King - Condo Arlik (Condo pronounced like condominium; Arlick = Are+lick) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (Nura = like Guru but ending in an A; Nal = Cal as in Calvin) Duo Damsel - Luornu Durgo (Loo-or-noo is how I say it; Durgo = Durango without the middle sylabel) Invisible Kid - Lyle Norg (Lyle as it is commonly pronounced; Norg like Borg from Star Trek) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Vahl Armorr = armor as in "shining armor") Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz (Garth = Garth Brooks; Ranzz pronounced like the first part of Tanzania) Light Lass (I've always thought of it as I-lah?) Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (Ten-zul Chem ~ yep, that's how I "hear" it) Mon-el - Lar Gand (Lar = Car; Gand = Sand; also interesting is his codename which comes from Monday ~ the day he was found by Superboy ~ but I've never pronounced it like the Mon in Monday rather I pronounce it like Don or Con) Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo (Tinya as its spelt; Wazzo = wha-zoo with the acccent on the first sylabel) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (Imra = Iirma with the letters inverted; Ardeen = garden) Shadow Lass - Tasmia Malor (Tasmia = Taz-mee-uh; Mallor like Mallory without the Y sound) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (Salu = Sah-lu Digby = Dig-bee) Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna (Dirk = Kirk; Morgna = More-gnah) Star Boy - Thom Kallor (Thom just like Tom with a T sound as in time not a "Th" as in thought; Kallor = the same as Mallor ~ see above) Ultra Boy - Jo Nah (if always pronounced this as if it were just Jonah with a slight hesitation between the first and last names) White Witch - Mysa Nal (Mysa pronounced Mesa like Lisa, and Nal the same as I do Nura's last name ~ see above)
Posted by Director Lad on :
I agree with all but these two, Vee:
quote:Originally posted by Vee: Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (Reap Daygul- yep that's how I "hear" it)
I've always thought it would the last name would rhyme with "waggle;" in other words, the first syllable would rhyme with "rag."
quote:Originally posted by Vee: White Witch - Mysa Nal (Mysa pronounced Mesa like Lisa, and Nal the same as I do Nura's last name ~ see above) [/QB]
Always assumed it was "My" as in the first person possessive.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
ok i will try again. i thought that during the levitz era there was a list of how to pronounce legion names...maybe in a letters column.
am i on crack?
Posted by Vee on :
I think you're right about that DB. I believe it was a section in the letter columns split up over various issues. The had done a similar listing during the Adventure era.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Which issue was it - coz i realise that my topic was not exactly a new one, it probably had been rehashed in an earlier letter column a long, long time ago...*sigh*
Posted by Vee on :
quote:Originally posted by legionadventureman: Which issue was it - coz i realise that my topic was not exactly a new one, it probably had been rehashed in an earlier letter column a long, long time ago...*sigh*
Not sure when it was but I do seem to recall it. However, I think it's very interesting to see how other people pronounce these names that we've only ever seen in print. For example, it makes a great deal of sense for Jan's name to be pronounce with a "Y" sound instead of a "J" yet I've always pronoune it as in January.
Great topic for a discussion! Thanks for posting it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I don't recall there ever being an "offical" list given.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Vee, thank you for the vote of confidence - i really thought i was gradually losing my touch for a while....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've copied lam's list and edited it for the way I say the names..... Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox (Pronounced: Kwirl Docks) Bouncing Boy - Chuck Taine (Tayne) Blok - pronounced "Block" Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (Dag Gull) Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn (rock krinn, like pin) Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (Jim Allen) Chemical King - Condo Arlik (like the apartment you own and R-lick) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (Noo-rah and Nal like pal) Duo Damsel - Luornu Durgo (Loo-or-noo Der {like her) Go) Invisible Kid - Lyle Norg (Lyle like "while" and Norg like Star Trek's Borg) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Val like Pal, R-More) Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz (Garth like Darth {Vader) Ranzz like pans) Light Lass (Ayla like hay-duh and again, Ranzz like pans) Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (this one's clear, isn't it?) Mon-el - Lar Gand (Lar like bar and Gand like gland. I know this may be wrong, but I say Mon like "on" instead of Mon like "sun"...El) Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo (Tin Yuh Waz-like "pos"itive...Oh) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (Imm-rah, Ardeen (rhymes with sardine) Shadow Lass - Tasmia Malor (Taz-mee-uh Mallor like mallard duck) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (Sal like Sally U like Ooooo baby baby ....Dig-bee ) Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna (Durk Morg-nah) Star Boy - Thom Kallor ( in Thomas, Kallor as in pal with an er on the end) Ultra Boy - Jo Nah (like the name Jonah but with more space in between) White Witch - Mysa Nal (Mice-uh Nal, like pal)
Posted by Hamz on :
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad: Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (Jim Allen) Star Boy - Thom Kallor ( in Thomas, Kallor as in pal with an er on the end) White Witch - Mysa Nal (Mice-uh Nal, like pal)
I have always pronounced them: Gim (The G like in Go instead of J as in Jim) Thom (TH like in The) Mysa (MEE suh) Jan (Yawn) I pronounce all the others the same way Sketch does.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Let's see how much I can shock you with my Aussie accent and undoubted mispronunciations...
Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (Reap Da-Gul- rhyming with waggle ) Chemical King - Condo Arlik (Condo pronounced like condominium; Arlick = Arr+lik) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (Nura = New-Ra; Nal = Cal as in Calvin) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Val to rhyme with 'pal' or Kal... Armorr = Arr+Mor (like more)) Light Lass - Ayla Ranzz (Ay-Lah - like the song "Layla") Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (Ten-zil Chem) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (Imra = Im (like Jim) + Ra (like the Sun God); Ardeen = Arr-Deen (rhyme with lean)) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (Salu = Sa (short sound) + lu (like luke) Digby = Dig-bee) Star Boy - Thom Kallor (Thom just like Tom with a T sound as in time not a "Th" as in thought; Kallor = the same as Mallor ~ see above) White Witch - Mysa Nal (My + Zah pronounced to rhyme the Liza (as in Minelli))
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
FWIW, I *love* Australian accents! I lived in Australia as a kid, and developed the perfect accent, but I can only vaguely do it now. I like accents, in general; Southern, New York, Chicago, etc... In the NW of the US, we don't really have any particular accent, just plain US English.
Sorry if that seems like stereotyping, I only mean this in a positive way.
Posted by Caliente on :
Dude, it's true though.
I live in California and we don't have accents. Except surfurs who talk like this: "Dude....that wave was..... totally awesome!" Like, slow 'n' stuff. Kind of a warped Southern without the cute factor.
And, also, I <3 accents too!! Always wanted one. But, from first person perspective, no one ever thinks they have an accent so... yeah.
/end off topicness
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Sketch Lad and Star Boy, thank you because a)
Legion World is very non-judgemental especially towards sexual orientation and
b) I hope everybody will like the Aussie accent, coz i plan on sticking around for a long time to come!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Aside from the usual "Yan" or "Jan" debates which I expected, I'm surprised there's such variation on Mysa. I never thought there was much question with hers. Anyhoo, here's my interpretation (with help from Sketch Lad, whose list (and some pronunciations) I copied since I agree with his a lot)...
Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox (Pronounced: Kwirl Docks) Bouncing Boy - Chuck Taine (Tayne) Blok - pronounced "Block" Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (rhymes with "Fraggle (rock)") Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn (rock krinn, like pin) Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (Jim AL-on) Chemical King - Condo Arlik (like the apartment you own and R-lick) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (NOO-rah and Nal like pal) Duo Damsel - Luornu Durgo (Loor-nu DER (like "her") Go) Invisible Kid - Lyle Norg (Lyle like "while" and Norg like Star Trek's Borg) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Val like Pal and "armor") Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz (Garth like from "Wayne's World" and Ranzz like pans) Light Lass (Ayla like Ay(like the letter "a")-luh and again, Ranzz like pans) Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (the number "10"- zil with a soft "i" (i.e. god-ZIL-la) Mon-el - Lar Gand (Lar like bar and Gand like gland. I know this may be wrong, but I say Mon like "on" instead of Mon like "sun"...El) Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo (TIN-Yuh WAZ-like "pos"itive...Oh) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (IMM-rah, Ardeen (rhymes with sardine)) Shadow Lass - Tasmia Mallor (TAZ-mee-uh Mallor (rhymes with valor)) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (SAL like "pal"-oo ....DIG-bee ) Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna (Durk MORG-nah) Star Boy - Thom Kallor (Thom as in Tom, Kallor as in "pallor") Ultra Boy - Jo Nah (Jo like "joe", Nah like the slang "nah" (no)) White Witch - Mysa Nal (MISS-uh Nal, like pal)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Even though it's been a while, I thought I'd bump this thread because: A. I'm new here
B. I've always wondered myself
Copying from Drake's and changing as appropriate:
Brainiac 5 - Querl Dox (Pronounced: Kwirl Docks) Bouncing Boy - Chuck Taine (Tayne) Blok - pronounced "Block" Chameleon Boy - Reep Daggle (rhymes with "Fraggle (rock)") That's exactly the analogy I thought of! Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn (rock krinn, like pin) Colossal Boy - Gim Allon (Gim AL-on; with a hard "g" as in "goat") Chemical King - Condo Arlik (like the apartment you own and R-lick) Dream Girl - Nura Nal (Noor (like Queen Noor)-rah and Nal like pal) Duo Damsel - Luornu Durgo (Loo-OR-nu DER (like "her") Go) Invisible Kid - Lyle Norg (Lyle like "while" and Norg like Star Trek's Borg) Karate Kid - Val Armorr (Val like Pal and "ar-MOR") Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz (Garth like from "Wayne's World" and Ranzz like pans) Light Lass (Ayla like Ay(like the letter "a")-luh and again, Ranzz like pans) Matter-Eater Lad - Tenzil Kem (the number "10"- zil with a soft "i" (i.e. god-ZIL-la) Mon-el - Lar Gand (Lar like bar and Gand like gland. I know this may be wrong, but I say Mon like "on" instead of Mon like "sun"...El) Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo (TIN-Yuh WAHZ-o) Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen (IMM-rah, Ardeen (rhymes with sardine)) Shadow Lass - Tasmia Mallor (TAZ-mee-uh Mal-or)) Shrinking Violet - Salu Digby (SAL like "pal"-oo ....DIG-bee ) Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna (Durk MORG-nah) Star Boy - Thom Kallor Okay, I've always been of two minds on this one. It would kind of interesting if it were "thom", but expect it's pronounced like "Tom" and "KAL-ore" Ultra Boy - Jo Nah (Jo like "joe", Nah like the slang "nah" (no)) White Witch - Mysa Nal (Rhymes with "Liza Gal")
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Interesting that you both agree on Ayla Ranzz, which I have experienced is the most conroversial pronunciation, with at least as many people saying it is "EYE-la" as it is "(long)A-la, rhymes with Layla". It is the rhyming with the song "Layla" that convinces me it should be the latter (same name sans 'L')...HOWEVER, a few years back I ran into a real live baby girl names Ayla, and it was pronounced "EYE-la". Parents had never heard of the Legion...however, after reading the LSH so many years and prnouncing the names in my head, it's impossible to change, so for me it is still the Fonzi-esque "AAY-la".
As for others, I thought it was remarkable that I was agreeing with every single one of DrakeB3004's pronunciatons...until we got to the last two. I say Jo Nah has "NAh" rhyming with "Ma", as in slang name for referring to one's Mother. I think I agree with Rockhopper more on Mysa, but I don't do a 'z' sound..for me, its "Mysa" rhymes with "Rice uh".
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
As I was filling that in I was thinking "Nah" to rhyme with "Ma", but I guess that looks more like a short a (like "nab" without the "b"). What I meant was for Jo Nah to rhyme with "Go Ma".
Posted by ferroboy on :
I used to be in the "Ayla" like "Layla" camp but I've since switched to Eye-la - mostly because Ayla is a real name and pronounced "Eye-luh".
Posted by Star Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad: FWIW, I *love* Australian accents! I lived in Australia as a kid, and developed the perfect accent, but I can only vaguely do it now. I like accents, in general; Southern, New York, Chicago, etc... In the NW of the US, we don't really have any particular accent, just plain US English.
quote:Originally posted by Caliente: Dude, it's true though. I live in California and we don't have accents.
And, also, I <3 accents too!! Always wanted one. But, from first person perspective, no one ever thinks they have an accent so... yeah.
HAHAHAHAHAHA - You don't have accents? Sure you do... outrageous American accents.
quote:Originally posted by legionadventureman: b) I hope everybody will like the Aussie accent, coz i plan on sticking around for a long time to come!
Me too! But remember - we don't have accents. Everyone else does but us.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
You forgot the Kiwis, Wayne....and their fesh and chups!
Posted by Dain on :
Could you help me with the pronunciation of some names from the Legion universe? I've always wondered what the actual pronunciation is and whether I'm pronouncing them correctly and didn't find a similar topic in the forum.
Winath: Is it Wine-ath or Win-ath? I think I've heard it pronounced both ways in the cartoon.
Luornu: LOO-ornu or Lu-OR-nu?
Colu: COL-u or Co-LOO?
Nura: NOO-ra or NYU-ra?
Mysa: Mee-ssa, Mee-za, My-ssa, My-za? (MY as in my god!)
Ayla: Aye-la or Eye-la?
Gim: Soft or hard "G"?
Thom: Tom or Th-om?
Tasmia: TAS(Z)-mia or Tas(z)-MEE-a?
BGZTL: I think I've heard it pronounced Bugz-tall but I usually pronounce it b-g-z-t-l without any audible vowels.
Projectra: Someone once called her PRO-jeck-tra, instead of Projectra as in "projector". What's the correct one?
Shvaughn: I know the name is Irish. Is it Shawn, Sean or Sh-V-aughn?
[ March 19, 2007, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Dain ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Apparently we do about one per year.
Posted by Director Lad on :
You beat me to it EDE! I even had the links and everything!
Posted by Dain on :
Ah. Heheheh. Thank you. I shoulda thought there would be one in a forum with almost 13000 topics, even though I searched for it.
You can close this thread if you want, guys. Sorry for the duplicate topic.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I tend to agree with Sketch and Vee, but I differ from the pack on Mysa. To me, she rhymes with Liza (as in Minelli. not that I'm a fan).
Posted by Set on :
Is there a red-neck section of Wine-ath named Beer-ath?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Actually, the rednecks call it Moonshinath.
Posted by Dain on :
Once, many years ago there was a brief chance we could have a "Winath-fest" in a Greek island. It certainly would have been a "Wine-ath"-fest!
The other topics answered practically all my questions (half of the names' pronunciations seem to be a matter of preference). Except for Projectra, but I guess it's PRO-jectra.
In a Con in Engalnd I attended in 93, KC Karlson pronounced Bgztl "Bugz-tall" but that's also a matter of choice.
Posted by Phantom Girl on :
Ok, after watching the episode on Smallville and reading the posts which followed, it has dawned on me that not all of us pronounce Legion names the same. In an effort to clear that up, this thread is dedicated to correcting that.
I'll start with mine...
I've always pronounced it I'm-ra
It seems in Smalville it was different Em-ra?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
This discussion has been brought up many times over the years on this board, PG.
For the record, I've always said "IMM-ra".
Note: Since Nighty has merged the threads, I've removed the links I had earlier.
[ January 18, 2009, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Phantom Girl on :
Sorry didn't realize that. I'll check out the links, thanks.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hey, don't feel bad, PG. I will start a thread because i don't see anything on it, and someone will post about a thread two forums over and i feel like a) and idiot for not knowing about it and b) a jerk for wasting bandwith and costing these guys money.
And i have always pronounced it like In and ra, like the cheer rah rah, so, i get Imrah, of a sort.
Posted by Set on :
Wow, following those links is trippy.
It sounded like 'Imra' got pronounced a little bit differently by different actors. One said Im-rah, another said Em-rah. Em-rah sounds too much like Emma, who's a completely differrent telepath....
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
For no particular reason except that I noticed this thread, here's how I've always pronounced them (with the exception of Hyrakius-I always read it as Hykraius-go figure). Sorry-it all runs together
Code Name Real Name Pronunciation Home World PronunciationCode Name Real Name Pronunciation Home World Pronunciation Cosmic Boy-- Rokk Krinn-- Rock Krin-- Braal-- Brahl Lightning Lad-- Garth Ranzz-- Garth Ranz-- Winath-- WINN-uth Saturn Girl-- Imra Ardeen-- IMM-rah r-Deen-- Titan-- TY-tun Triplicate Girl/DD -- Luornu Durgo-- Lor-NOO DUR-go-- Cargg-- Karg Phantom Girl-- Tinya Wazzo-- TIN-yah WAH-zoh-- Bgztl-- BIG-zittle Superboy-- Kal-El-- KAL-L-- Krypton-- CRIP-tahn Chameleon Boy-- Reep Daggle-- Reep DAG-ul-- Durla-- DURR-luh Colossal Boy-- Gim Allon-- Jim al-ON-- Earth-- Urrth Invisible Kid-- Lyle Norg-- Lile Norg-- Earth-- Urrth Star Boy-- Thom Kallor-- Tom KAL-or-- Xanthu-- ZAN-thoo Brainiac 5-- Querl Dox-- Kwerrl Docks-- Colu-- KAH-loo Supergirl-- Kara Zor-El-- Cair-uh ZOR-L-- Krypton-- CRIP-tahn Laurel Gand-- Same-- LAH-rul Ganned-- Daxam-- DACKS-am Sun Boy-- Dirk Morgna-- Durrk MORG-na-- Earth-- Urrth Shrinking Violet-- Salu Digby-- SAA-loo DIG-bee-- Imsk-- Imsk Bouncing Boy-- Chuck Taine-- Chuk Tane-- Earth-- Urrth Ultra Boy-- Jo Nah-- Joe NAH-- Rimbor-- RIM-bore Mon-El-- Lar Gand-- LARR Ganned-- Daxam-- Dacks-am Matter-Eater Lad-- Tenzil Kem-- TENzil Kem-- Bismoll-- BIZ-mall Element Lad-- Jan Arrah-- Jan (like Brady) R-uh-- Trom-- Trom (like bomb) Light/ning Lass-- Ayla Ranzz-- Ay-la (rhymes w/ Layla)-- Winath-- WINN-uth Dream Girl-- Nura Nal-- NOOR-uh Nall-- Naltor-- NALL-tore Ferro Lad-- Andrew Nolan-- ANN-droo NO-lun-- Earth-- Urrth Karate Kid-- Val Armorr-- Val R-more-- Earth-- Urrth Princess Projectra-- Projectra Wind’zorr--pro-JECK-truh Win-zor-- Orando-- O rann dough Shadow Lass-- Tasmia Mallor-- TAZ me uh MAL-or-- Talok VIII-- TAH-lock ate Chemical King-- Condo Arlik-- CON-dough R-lick-- Phlon-- Flonn Timber Wolf-- Brin Londo-- Brin LON-dough-- Zoon-- Zoon Wildfire-- Drake Burroughs-- Drake BURR-oze-- Earth-- Urrth Dawnstar-- Same-- DAWN-star-- Starhaven-- STAR-hayvun Blok-- Same-- Block-- Dryad-- DRY-ad Invisible Kid II-- Jacques Foccart-- JHOCK FO-khar-- Earth-- Urrth White Witch-- Mysa Nal-- MY-sah Nall-- Naltor-- NALL-tore Magnetic Kid-- Pol Krinn-- Pahl Krin-- Braal-- Brahl Polar Boy-- Brek Bannin-- Breck BAN-in-- Tharr-- Tharr Quislet-- Unpronounceable-- Theall-- The-ALL Tellus-- Ganglios-- GAN-glee-ose-- Hykrakius-- Hi-rake-yus
[ January 18, 2009, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: Arm Fall Off Boy ]
Posted by Set on :
quote:Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy: Invisible Kid II--Jacques Foccart--JHOCK FO-khar--Earth--Urrth
Ooh, you used my 'rule' of pronouncing French names and ignored the last letter entirely! That's funny.