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Author Topic: Personalities of Legionnaires
He Who Wanders
Light on my feet.

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Originally posted by MLLASH:

Strong-willed and opinionated, Shadow Lass is rarely found in the company of the Legionnaires with which she apparently shares the most in common with.

An incredible fighter, Shady refused to train with Karate Kid past her initial session for fear he might 'dilute' her Talokian skill with his training (though she respects his skills greatly).

The undisputed champion of Talok VIII, Shady has no interest in discussing planetary politics with Dream Girl or Princess Projectra.

She is generally recognized as the team's most accomplished female fighter, and enjoyed the distinct honor of being sworn-in during a battle with the deadly Fatal 5.

Because of this, she holds great (though usually unspoken) respect for Cosmic Boy, Karate Kid and Brainiac 5.

Some speculate Shadow Lass is driven by a desire to pair up with a fellow "planetary champion" as part of her duties, and romances (or attempts at, anyway) with Brainiac 5 and Mon-El lend some credence to this speculation.

Not even Tasmia's closest friend Phantom Girl knows about her secret training sessions with Substitute Legionnaire Night Girl (which Shady organized at Lydda's request).

Ultimately Shadow Lass is a proud, dependable warrior who keeps her motivations, if not her opinions, secret.

I gotta admit, I've never viewed Shadow Lass in this light (pun not intended)--but it fits and makes her a much more interesting character. Well done, Lash!

The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that

From: The Stasis Zone | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Thanks, Quis and HWW. I've had great fun doing this. And thanks to PG for starting the thread. I'm going to try to finish up this weekend.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Phantom Girl
Long Live the Legion!

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Actually MLLASH it is I who should be thanking you (amongst everyone else who has participated). These are awesome reads, and so helpful.

I have lived for the Legion and one day I shall die for the Legion.

From: Bgztl | Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Could I please get a description of White Witch?

I want to be hated by lies
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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Okay, since I had to wing her in a story, I'll do a description of LL, based on Action Comics. More winging...

Lightning Lad: The most honest, and emotional, of the three founders, wearing his heart on his sleeve. His life and his thoughts are an open book. Garth is the one who is more willing to smile, to laugh, to get angry. He's been getting angry a lot lately. The once sensitive, stay-at-home dad has become the Legion's new hothead. And why shouldn't he? His friends and his family are being persecuted, forced undeground. Their ideals are being called old-fashioned, and Garth himself is starting to question them. He hasn't seen his son in months, and everything he and the Legion have tried to do is being torn down by a group of psycho rejects with bad haircuts. What would you expect in this situation from the guy who wears his heart on his sleeve?

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Could I please get a description of White Witch?

Thoughts on Mysa.

Born on Naltor, to a family promiment for their extremely advanced precognitive talents, Mysa was blind to the future, and, by her societies standards, a cripple. Science proved unable to help her, and an attempt to find a mystical means of giving her the Sight was an act of desperation.

The thought that maybe she's *okay* with not being able to see the future, like her family, hasn't entirely occured to them. They spent so much time trying to 'cure' her, that they never really accepted them for who she was, an intelligent, beautiful young woman with as much raw potential and possibility as any precognitive.

On the Sorcerer's World, Mysa found something more valuable than a 'cure' for her condition, she found a culture, a society, a family that respected her for who she was, regardless of whether or not she could see the future. Years later, a Legionnaire, respected for her own powers, Mysa still doesn't go home to Naltor, because Naltor isn't home. When she makes a home for herself, it is always on the Sorcerer's World.

Some people lacking a particular sense or ability attempt to compensate, using other senses or mental strategems to try and 'cope' or adjust for what is missing. Mysa could have studied heuristics or probability theory or psychology, in an attempt to learn how to 'predict' actions, events or even people, but she didn't attempt to compensate for what Naltorians thought was 'wrong' with her. She accepted her status and went sideways, deciding not to ever be a 'third-rate wannabe precog cripple,' but instead becoming a first-rate sorceress. Instead of running a race she knew that she could never win, she denied her handicap any power to control her life and crossed lanes into another race entirely, one where she could excel on her own terms, with no inherent disadvantage. This could be seen as 'Gordian knot' sort of non-linear thinking, where the ultimate player makes her own rules, rather than playing the games using other people's rules, or it could be seen as 'giving up' and refusing to even participate in a society that was stacked so far against her. Both are true, and regardless of how the different interpretations 'sound,' neither is any more right or wrong. Mysa doesn't judge herself and her choice by such a metric of whether or not she should have 'tried harder' to fit into Naltorian society. Abandoning her Naltorian life was the right choice for *Mysa,* and that's all that matters in the long run.

Mysa is often seen as quiet and shy, and yet it is made evident that her spellcasting requires intense focus and preparation. She does not lack for forceful will and personality, she simply chooses not to use it as a bludgeon, unlike her outgoing and socially dynamic sister. Mysa shares something with Karate Kid, in that her powers require training, practice and dedication. She didn't get them as a matter of birth, or because of some freak accident. Like Val, she *earned* them, through rigorous, even obsessive, study, and while she never criticizes her team-mates for the amounts of time they spend chatting and socializing, time that she feels that she must spend studying and refining her focus, she pointedly ignores suggestions from her sister that she should 'get out' and 'live a little.' Indeed, some of her reticence comes from a desire to hold herself apart from the standard Nura sets, as she doesn't feel that she could ever (or would ever want to) compete with her own her home turf of the party circuit. If Nura was not such a boisterous whirlwind of energy, Mysa might indeed stop seeming like quite such a contrasting personality. If Nura wasn't around to compare against, Mysa indeed might 'lighten up' a little more, but she sees her sister dancing and flirting, and turns with a smile and returns to her quarters to meditate, allowing her sister to live that part of her life for her, while she plays the part of the grown-up in their relationship, the 'sensible one.'

Despite her quiet demeanor, Mysa is every bit as passionate and strong-willed as her sister, and because of that, her power is not always as controlled as she would like. She has a touch for the dramatic, as she demonstrates in her first modern appearance, teleporting with a flourish into Legion headquarters, and unleashes on a Khund that has felled both Blok and Dawnstar before turning on her. It is only her very deliberate attempts at calming her passions that keeps her from becoming the monologuing dramatist, and she knows quite well that she treads a fine line between being assured and being *too* assured, and has the bad example of Mordru hanging over her to remind her what she could become, if she ever let her passion override her reason and her power go to her head...

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Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Thanks Set. I needed this for a story I was doing with her in it. I just hope I got it right. Did I describe Garth okay though?

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Thanks Set. I needed this for a story I was doing with her in it. I just hope I got it right. Did I describe Garth okay though?

Felt right to me. Garth does lead with his heart, and tends to have 'big feelings' compared to someone who plays it closer to the vest, like Cos.
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Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Well I'm trying to give a valid reason people can understand as to why he's been acting this way, instead of calling it bad writing.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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I believe I'll try a villain...

Storm Boy: A complete downer of a person, who has no original goals other then to belong. His powers are a basic rip-off of the Ranzzes and Shadow Lass, simply adding wind effects. He is totally miserable and his mind is one-tracked in his quest to be the chosen rather than be rejected, which at first was because of the fraternity he tried to join, later being placed on the Legion itself. He is childish in his goals, seeing the Legion as a bunch of big bullies, and his quest to become special knows no end, further making him a truly psychotic character.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
or you can do the confusion 'til your head falls off

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I'm very curious about some of the Legionnaires that happened along in my absence-- either before I was reading or after.

Tyroc, XS, Computo II, both Kids Quantum. Also, nobody's written up Blok or Invisible Kid II yet (unless I missed it). Any takers ?

Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on flickr. Drop by and tell me that I sent you.

From: Vanity, OR | Registered: Dec 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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I'll try Computo.

Computo II: Danielle Foccart is the younger sister to the second Invisible Kid. She has grown out of her role as the "kid sister" and has become a self-reliant, single-minded Legionnaire who knows how to get the job done and how to work with others. She takes her role as secondary leader seriously and works hard, as she was forced to do so when she and the others were held in the Dominion labs. She does not like being patronized or treated like a child, nor does she like it when other people toss aside her commands. She also sometimes comes to blows with Cham, as she feels that he has no right to usurp her commands simply because he is older and more experienced. She is not bossy though, and is somewhat modest when given honors, such as when Cos named her co leader, and simply shrugs off having single handidly repaired the wandering city domes in a matter of minutes with no struggle at all.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Veilmist: Temptress, schemer, insecure. A Khund woman of high standing, which isn't surprising since she bounced her way up the social ladder by convincing her latest paramour to kill her current husband, something which she's done over and over and over agin. But, given the way male Khunds treat women, it's a very "survival of the fittest" world they live in. She has shown that she does want to help, as proven when she aided the Legionnaires, but even so she'll always try to find someone to kill her current husband, and she's set her sights on Jo.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Quiet member

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four things to comment on:

#1 - love this thread!!! some threads make me cry, some threads make me agreeing/disagreeing, some threads make me realize that there is something about the character....I love it!

#2 - hmm, about Ayla - i have often observed her as that she has the spunky and most free-spirited ones.

#3 - Can't remember the magazine (Back Issue???) where there are 3 or 4 pages devoted completely to Saturn Girl's history and her personality traits....which I remember being enjoying reading that and wished that they should have started devoting those pages to each legionnaires, subs, villains, etc every monthly issues. Anyone know what I am talking about?

#4 - any future observations on Substitute heroes (Night Girl, Stone Boy....), supporting characters (Shvaughn Erin....), and perhaps aliens/races?

Keep it going!

From: Hayward, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Catspaw: April Dumaka's animal urges have presented themselves in the worst way since her transformation. She borders on the fringes of nymphomania. And the fact that she views most of the boy Legionnaires as her own personal beefcake bakery doesn't help matters. Some might compare her as the SW6's substitution for Timber Wolf, and their might be a bit of credit for that. April's grammar has been somewhat fractured since her powers appeared, and she does fight like a wild animal, and God knows she isn't terribly bright. Deep down however, April is insecure and lonely, and she searches for male attention and satisfaction for her urges to make up for the sense of betrayal left behind when her lover Ansis turned her over to the Dominion.

Dragonmage (Glorithverse): Xao Jin is insecure of himself and his powers, until properly motivated. He has strong magic abilities and could have the potential to become one of the strongest, if not THE strongest, of the Legionnaires. But he is afraid to push his limits, his judgment is clouded by the treatment his former teacher gave him as he began studying the mystic arts.

Dragonmage (Earth-247): A male version of Kinetix in a very loose sense. While Zoe Saugin was motivated to find more power in order to help more people, this Xao Jin is very prideful and more willing to show others up. He seems to be a complete opposite of his counterpart, whereas the Glorithverse Xao wasn't too sure of himself, the 247 Xao thinks he's all that and a bag and chips. At least until his screw up results in someone getting hurt, in which case he's brought down lower than his counterpart.

Polar Boy: The eternal freshman among seniors, the one guy who never seems to grow up like the rest of his classmates, but that's what gives him his charm. He's young at heart. A big kid. Others view him as a bit of a geek, or the "Legionnaire Who's Still A Sub", but his eternal optimism in the ideals of the Legion and Superman and what they can do for the universe keep Brek straight, and it helps him keep the others in line when they begin to doubt if they're making a difference. In a way, if the eradication of xenophobia in the world is a child's dream, then Brek Bannin is happy to be that child.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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