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Author Topic: Personalities of Legionnaires
Sketch Lad

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One of the things that I really like about Saturn Girl, at least in the preboot and reboot (but not yet evident in the threeboot), is that she has always been depicted as one of the most talented precogs in Titan's history and that her education and training has been a huge part of her life, which clearly has shaped her personality.

I wonder, based on Set's above comments, what would have happened to Imra if she was left to her own devices, without the training?


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I agree with Set. I'm not at all comfortable with this trend of trying to match personality to powers. It's ambiguous and could potentially make the characters one dimensional. It seems like a gimmick rather than sincere writing.

I'm reading the John's Legion as another reboot, so changes in personality won't bother me too much if they are interesting. It does blast another big hole in the claims that his version is the return of the original. I assume it is disappointing to those who really thought a return of the original team was desirable or realistic. So far they've gotten additonal continuity flubs and confusion, costumes of questionable appeal, and now all "new and improved" personalities.

No regrets, Coyote.

From: Missouri | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
He Who Wanders
Light on my feet.

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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
I've often thought that a person's personality must adapt to their superpower. How could it not?

Why would it have to? Set does an outstanding job of showing how personalities might adapt to powers in different ways, but why would it be necessary or even desirable to assume that everyone who has lightning powers must have an "electric" personality?

To look at it another way, everyone on Braal has Cosmic Boy's abilities. Does this mean they all have "magnetic" personalities in some way?

To extrapolate this further into real life situations, do all Asians, Africans, Americans, or Swedes (for examples) have the same personality traits? There may be common cultural traits and values, but to focus solely on those is to deny each person's individual qualities. It also leads to stereotyping.

Even though Johns is writing about fictional characters from fictional worlds, his approach in describing the characters strikes me as overly simplistic.

The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that

From: The Stasis Zone | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.

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Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
To look at it another way, everyone on Braal has Cosmic Boy's abilities. Does this mean they all have "magnetic" personalities in some way?

No wonder they want to get off-planet so badly... Whole lotta people wanting to be top dog!

I think Cargg suffered the worst for this 'define character by powers' concept in the Threeboot. The whole planet is now Lu. Teeming masses of Lu's, all with the same personality, so similar in thoughts and feelings that Trip going off-world for a few months was enough to taint her so that nobody would touch her.


Bgtzl didn't fare too well either. Instead of a planet full of 'phantoms,' we know have a mirror image of earth, with one girl able to move between them. Winema Wazzoo may or may not exist in the threeboot, but she'll never be a UP dignitary, or, possibly, never even know that the UP exists, unless Tinya happens to mention it.

It's just hugely limiting to have every character become a caricature of their power-set, as if they were lifeless drones with no personalities of their own, before getting powers (or are just one of a million plus identical power-defined-people on their homeworld, who also have no personalities of their own).

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bite into the all-caps

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Ditz... Flirt... Beauty.

Her somewhat shaky early days with the Legion has led to Nura being frequently overlooked and even looked down on at times. Whereas Saturn Girl is oft-requested for missions despite a mistaken beief by many that she is a "iron butt" or "hard-ass", Nura spent much time being ignored due to a mistaken belief that both she and her power were "too weak".

Of course Nura, and certain others, knew better.

The "science crew" of the team (Brainiac 5, Invisible Kid, Sun Boy) knows Nura to be valuable in that department.

The "fighters" (Triad, Karate Kid, Timber Wolf, Violet) know Nura to be a top-notch unarmed combatant.

And her skills as a partying "It Girl" have always been admired by Bouncing Boy and Matter-Eater Lad.

As the daughter of Naltor's High Seer, Nura was valuable primarily in a political way during her early days with the team. Now she is seen much differently, as someone even the current leaders will defer to because of her premonitions. No planned strategy is put into motion without running it past Dream Girl first.

Through it all, Nura has always known her own value and tolerated others' misconceptions of her quite well and with good humor.

Her life's choices are dictated by the knowledge of the consequences, which still continues to frequently make her actions an engima to this day. Many of her teammates remain leery of her.

She knows how it's going to all end up, so why worry?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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bite into the all-caps

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Another member valuable in a political way, Jeckie's 'flashier' power made her more prominent than Nura in the early days. Nura and Projectra became fast friends due to similar backgrounds.

By breeding regal, respectful and angered when misunderstood, Jeckie herself is not one to look down on others. She certainly enjoys creature comforts-- the posher and more lavish the better, and enjoys sharing those comforts with her friends. She uses her powers almost unconsciously in social situations, tending to subtly alter certain things about herself that will put others at ease.

She is not above a brawl when placed into the situation, and training with Karate Kid has actually made her quite skilled in that area. However, as her powers matured to the Sensor Girl-level, Jeckie rarely finds herself even required to use her fighting skills.

Jeckie has dabbled into the magical arts of Orando, and frequently invites Dream Girl to join in her dabblings, though neither is any kind of proficient in the area.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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bite into the all-caps

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Disclaimer: For me, Ferro Lad only worked as he was originally presented and during the Bierbaum's LEGIONNAIRES stint. My bio for him will likely lean heavily on Tom and Mary's version and is written with the idea that he is still alive.

A brash daredevil, Ferro Lad never fails to both entertain and horrify his friends. If he were from the 20th century, his favorite TV show would almost certainly be MTV's "Jackass".

"The Legionnaire in the Iron Mask", Ferro Lad initially gave the story of facial disfigurement as the reason for wearing it. In reality, he wears it because he thinks it looks pretty damned cool and to a lesser extent to keep his ID as the son of a famous holoflick star a secret to the UP. But mostly 'cause it's cool.

And Ferro Lad likes things that are cool. His best bud is Ultra Boy. He started a band with Matter-Eater Lad and Sun Boy. He has ties through his family to the holofilm industry and tends to name-drop. His daredevil antics make him a favorite of the guys and bring out the maternal instincts of the girls and he tends to be fawned over. Which he doesn't mind a bit.

He is also close to the Legionnaires he joined alongside, and has rivalled Karate Kid for Princess Projectra's affections.

Jeckie even bases her Sensor Girl mask-illusion on Ferro Lad's.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Sketch Lad

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Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
I've often thought that a person's personality must adapt to their superpower. How could it not?

Why would it have to? Set does an outstanding job of showing how personalities might adapt to powers in different ways, but why would it be necessary or even desirable to assume that everyone who has lightning powers must have an "electric" personality?

To look at it another way, everyone on Braal has Cosmic Boy's abilities. Does this mean they all have "magnetic" personalities in some way?

To extrapolate this further into real life situations, do all Asians, Africans, Americans, or Swedes (for examples) have the same personality traits? There may be common cultural traits and values, but to focus solely on those is to deny each person's individual qualities. It also leads to stereotyping.

Even though Johns is writing about fictional characters from fictional worlds, his approach in describing the characters strikes me as overly simplistic.

I should clarify that I prefer my Legionnaires to be complex, well rounded characters, and I am not "voting" in support of one dimensional carboard cut outs assigned to particular powers.

The true preboot Legionnaires were not so easily categorized. Ignoring the Proty aspect, Garth was always shown as very loving and family oriented and devoted and a fun, friendly person. "Electric" or "livewire" were not particularly accurate descriptions for him.

On the other hand, Ayla was fairly guilty of acting like the power she had at the time. Light Lass was demure; the twin sister, the caring girlfriend. In battle, she'd be apt to say, "Oh no! That big villain is coming at me! I'd better make him feather-light so he can't hurt me." When she became more independant and got the lightning back, it became all about "Who can I blast?"

I suppose she is the most extreme example that comes to mind.


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Sketch Lad

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To follow up, I should also say that there has been a fairly sad lack of diversity of culture shown on the planets of this comic. The above question about Braal--- do they all have magnetic personalities? We don't know. Are they just like Earthlings? The answer to that would certainly shape the way Cos acts in the Legion.


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Sketch Lad

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One more post....

It occurred to me that it would be interesting to test the Legionnaires' true characters by switching or removing their powers.

What if Dirk shrank? What if Gim could create shadows? What if Tinya could hurl lightning? How much would they change?


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There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.

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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
One more post....

It occurred to me that it would be interesting to test the Legionnaires' true characters by switching or removing their powers.

What if Dirk shrank? What if Gim could create shadows? What if Tinya could hurl lightning? How much would they change?

That would be awesome to see. Legion switcharoo!

And what would be interesting would be how our *perceptions* of them might change.

Shrinking Dirk might remain a babe-loving flirtatious go-getter, but, with shrinking powers, be seen as overcompensatory and masking deep insecurity, despite having not changed at all!

Shadow Gim might remain the guy who is quietly supportive and always has his arm around someone's shoulder, but be seen instead of the friendly 'big brother,' empathic and concerned, and more as a potentially 'shadowy' manipulator, always sleazing up to people and trying to learn their secrets, again, with no change at all in characterization!

Lightning Tinya might be seen as more proactive, and her vocal stances of the last year or so (during the big argument over whether Imra's mindjobbing Brin was acceptable or not, for instance, where Brin and her were one step away from violence) might be considered 'proof' that she's a live wire, an impulsive hot-tempered sort of person who leads from her gut. Her characterization could be completely unchanged, but *appear* very different, with different base assumptions.

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bite into the all-caps

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The picture of self-confidence, the poster child of self-esteem. Karate Kid has never doubted his skills and anyone who does soon revises their opinion.

While Val's unparalleled mastery of all forms of armed and unarmed combat is still questioned as an actual "super-power" by some, none of his teammates question what he has brought to the team.

Training with Karate Kid is mandatory for all new members and longtime members still frequently show up for sessions.

Val grew close to Triad as the team's chief combat trainers. He enjoys the company of mellow Element Lad. He also maintains a friendship/rivalry with Ferro Lad and was smitten instantly with Princess Projectra. He is proudest of his pupil Dream Girl.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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bite into the all-caps

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Strong-willed and opinionated, Shadow Lass is rarely found in the company of the Legionnaires with which she apparently shares the most in common with.

An incredible fighter, Shady refused to train with Karate Kid past her initial session for fear he might 'dilute' her Talokian skill with his training (though she respects his skills greatly).

The undisputed champion of Talok VIII, Shady has no interest in discussing planetary politics with Dream Girl or Princess Projectra.

She is generally recognized as the team's most accomplished female fighter, and enjoyed the distinct honor of being sworn-in during a battle with the deadly Fatal 5.

Because of this, she holds great (though usually unspoken) respect for Cosmic Boy, Karate Kid and Brainiac 5.

Some speculate Shadow Lass is driven by a desire to pair up with a fellow "planetary champion" as part of her duties, and romances (or attempts at, anyway) with Brainiac 5 and Mon-El lend some credence to this speculation.

Not even Tasmia's closest friend Phantom Girl knows about her secret training sessions with Substitute Legionnaire Night Girl (which Shady organized at Lydda's request).

Ultimately Shadow Lass is a proud, dependable warrior who keeps her motivations, if not her opinions, secret.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Quislet, Esq
Great Calamity Kittens!

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MLLASH continues to do a wonderful job on these.

Five billion years from now the Sun will go nova and obliterate the Earth. Don't sweat the small stuff!

From: Boston | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Triplicate Kid

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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
It occurred to me that it would be interesting to test the Legionnaires' true characters by switching or removing their powers.

What if Dirk shrank? What if Gim could create shadows? What if Tinya could hurl lightning? How much would they change?

Of course, we already have a case of that...

Tom Strong, on nostalgia: "I suppose it's a ready substitute for genuine feeling."
- Tom Strong #6, Alan Moore

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