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Author Topic: CALLING THE ROLL OF LSH #12.... spoilers
Mystery Lad

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CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at LSH #12... responses formatted in kind are GREATLY appreciated. Actually, all responses are- so never mind.




...and let the roll be called!

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC "David" 5: After Brainy's 'outthinking death' speech last issue, the sight of him talking to a rock must've really had Theena worried- bet she wasn't broadcasting *that* (assuming her apparatus/symbiant/whatever-it-is broadcasts, as well as receives). I liked the progression from 'Pity... until he gazes a few feet to his left', to the depiction of him digging and scrambling through the rubble, to him conversing with his pet rock and the seeming madness of plucking a toyset 'delivery system' from the remains of the Legion's collectibles. All leading up, of course, to one of this issue's major introductions.

"Hmmm. Twelfth level intelligence versus THE POWER TO MOVE AND SHAPE THE EARTH. Wonder how that'll go?" (The words in caps obviously shouted- there should've been a maniacal cackle in there, too.) Fingers crossed that Elysion will survive the next couple of issues, 'cause I think he could be a fine recurring villain. And those are few and far between, these days.

Put down your toy, Brainyboy. Time to get that 12th level intel hummin' and restore the life of that beauty with the red 'deceased' stamped across her face on the roll call page. I can't *wait* to see what you come up with to outthink death.

[Invisible Kid - Re-Imagined] INVISIBLE KID: "You were... supposed to... see me..." Words directed to ears other than Elysion's, perhaps. Too bad there weren't any Legionnaires around to hear them, other than those already in Lyle's camp. Maybe Theena'll rectify that.

Lyle's bravery and persistance is more than admirable. He'd almost get 'Legionnaire of the month', if there were such a thing (hmmm- maybe there should be?). But someone else shone just a touch brighter, IMO.

The shots of him persisting when obviously past exhaustion, despite the blood streaming down his face, with one eye swelled shut will stay with me. Nice series of panels that loom as much more important than their length.

DREAM GIRL: Others have already mentioned the similarity between the ADVENTURE Lightning Lad's glass coffin and Dreamy's force-field one. Interesting that nearly every incarnation of the Legion has a character that dies early, to be brought back to life (or something) after several months. Lightning Lad from Adventure... Wildfire from the reinvigorated Cockrum/Grell era... Mon-el from 5YL (and White Witch in a more metaphorical way)... Apparition from the reboot-that-was. Garth, again, from the post-Damned reboot-that-was.

Here's hoping that Nura is added to that list. I suspect it might not be in the next handful of issues, though I could be wrong.

COSMIC BOY: 'Legion channel one'? Hmmm. "Every sentient within the sound of my voice", so he begins his announcement of the renamed Service. Does that mean only 'underagers' heard this? Or are others linked in? 'Overagers', too, as I've half-way wondered?

SUN BOY: So I guess the darkness that camouflaged the Imra/Cham-on-Garth (eww) switch was generated by Dirk, rather than Tasmia? Even though Garth did identify it as 'Shady's darkness', they are still on Ttrxl, where some abilites are reversed. Guess they got acclimated, so maybe it was Shady's dark.

[Princess Projectra - Re-Imagined] PROJECTRA: Jeckie's all over the place this issue. She's this issue's designated 'I don't know my teammates powers' speaker, simultaneously serving as straight-woman to Jo's comic line. She's the voice of mercy and rescue, pleading on behalf of her old(?) lover, Brin. She's a leadership consultant: "You're not comprehending the size of Lemnos's Army. It's your big short-coming as leader. You don't understand hopelessness. Do it." Just *where* did *that* come from? She comes into her own as Legionnaire, displaying her inherited-upon-parent's death power of "So long as I desire, whether to the naked eye or the most sophisticated receptors-- those who watch see only what I wish them to see." And hear, smell, taste and feel as well, I presume. She's a lover, not a fighter.

The many facets of Projectra. I don't have a clear sense of her- but I'm *heartily* glad she's no longer this team's deluded rich girl with no superpowers.

I wonder if Cosmic Boy knew that she'd demonstrate these powers with the death of her parents? I sort of think he did.

I really liked the visualization of her power-- with the funky alphabet dialogue. Will she always have to make a speech in this language to use her power? Or was this a one time deal to activate it?

The best use of illusion, of course, would be to have no visual/aural cue whatsoever. But a burst of pinkish/purple to show she's using her power is pretty and serves its purpose.

ULTRA BOY: "Lead underwear" HA! But I thought penetra vision could see through lead, too?

I like the dynamic of Jo deferring to Karate Kid. I doubt it'll last long, but it's a nice bit of a change for this character while it does. Jo's reference to and reverance for Superman is interesting.

[Lightning Lad - Re-Imagined] LIGHTNING LAD: Nice big moment for Garth, shutting down the Transmatter Prime (this team sure wrangled the higher-ups cooperation easily, once they got through Skelter, didn't they?) Visually, it provides a nice foreshadowing of the LLad-Saturn Girl back-up tale-- Garth's last panel is a burst of yellow lightning; the back-up begins with a similar burst. Actually, I thought we'd returned to Ttrxl (with a different artist) for a bit when I began reading the backup.

Foreshadowing. An apt word that also applies to the back-up in general. At least, I think it does. We'll soon see.

But just what is 'kono-shaped'?

CHAMELEON: Cham as a *coating* used to disguise Garth as Saturn Girl! Clever! Creepy! Altogether Oooky! His frazzled reaction to Garth's burst of lightning through the *coating* was priceless!

Somehow, this reminds me of the Ayla-masqerading-as-her-brother thing in ADVENTURE. Though, overtly more kinky. Only overtly, though. The dynamics of Garth, Imra, Dirk and Ayla-as-Garth could net a bonanza of storytelling weirdness, if a writer chose to tackle it.

PHANTOM GIRL: "Well- dur! We'll fight our way out." Hee!

BRIN LONDO: "Ultra Doof?" "Always said you were lazy." Banter or the beginnings of another Legionnaire rivalry?

[Saturn Girl - Re-Imagined] SATURN GIRL: Don't have much to say about her. The back-up seems to be a bit of fill-in-the-blank. She seemed to have the hots for the Vashian leader.

[Karate Kid - Re-Imagined] KARATE KID: Even though Projectra had a power breakthrough and Atom Girl burst into prominence, Val is my 'Legionnaire of the month'. "Do it." "I'll have Ultra Boy. I'll take those odds [2500 to one]. We haven't time to argue." "Do it."

A few lines of fierce, steady, unflappable resolve. I love that page. I like Val's characterization and the way so much of it is revealed in a close-up of a bleakly calm face. Like Garbo at the end of QUEEN CHRISTINA-- but heroic. Loved his coaching Jo as they fight. Loved his "Forget everything I've been filling your head with and cut loose! " My favorite parts of a crowded issue.

[Shrinking Violet - Re-Imagined] ATOM GIRL: Is the bottom panel of page 2 a representation from the POV of the rock that is/was housing AG? Is that rock Imsk? Or is that a hasty conclusion?

It's a gonzo entrance, that's for sure. "How long have I been kicking around Brainy's microverse? What month is it? What did I miss?" Guess it *wasn't* Imsk. Intriguing, though. How long till we learn her back-story? The anesthetize/cauterize dialogue could signal a medical background... or just a creative style of battle-banter. As for the guns... ouch. Not sure what I think about those. If they're multi-purpose tools, I'd feel better about them. That's a use for AG's powers that has always been tragically overlooked.

Loved the plotting of AG's (wanna call her 'Vi'!) debut-- but I hope her hair is an unfortunate byproduct of travelling in 'Brainy's microverse' and not a permanent style. I like the idea of purple and green for AG, but these two particular shades of the colors clash, for me. I think the purple's a bit too red, maybe. I really like the deep green, though. It's distinctive.


SUMMING UP: The Earth scenes were great, as were the Lemnos' hideout ones. Ttrxl and Dormir didn't really come across as distinctive settings in this particular issue, but they weren't really the focus as much as they were plot propellants. I really, really liked the scenes featuring Brainy, Val, Jo, Atom Girl (though I have reservations about her hair and the uniform colors), Projectra (even if she has co-opted Element Lad's origin-- grrrr!) and even the expositional Cosmic Boy. Lemnos is appearing more distinct and individual (his memory effects lifting?), which is a good thing. I think we need to know the motives of the masses of sentients prepared to make war awaiting transport on those portals. There are aspects to Lemnos, the UP and the Legion that need to be examined and explored.

Some interesting faces at the end. Stereotypical probing alien boy (who I liked the look of, even though I wouldn't if I only had my silly description of him to go by), and his legionnaire mates... featuring Infectious Lass? Maybe, maybe not. The glowing kid... the boy with two shadow-ghosts-auras... the stone-looking guy... the caped silver-white being with a red circle on his chest (a Dominator?)... a blue planarian?... hope we see some of these in detail next issue.

I'm not sure the back-ups are well-place here, given the flow of plot. The content has been positive, which is a great thing-- but it's the crescendo of twelve months of building. Even great back-ups that aren't directly relevant to that plot are a bit obstructive. When #6-12 are reprinted in trade form, I hope the back-ups are all grouped together after the main plots of 11, 12 and 13 (which should make it into the same trade).

Still, complaining about getting extra story because I can't read the next installment now, now, now-- waaah, waaah, waaah is disingenuous. So, I smack my hand with a virtual ruler. Ow!

From: Knoxville, TN | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
imskian78 imskian78 has just turned 50

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good issue but I agree DO NOT LIKE VIOLET"S HAIR AND COLORS! Like the green and black in the Titans Legion thingy .... but any Violet is better than another year without Violet
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bite into the all-caps

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I'm just glad we have a Violet --!!NOT!! Atom Girl [Big Grin] --that I actually LIKE now. It's been a while.

I liked her Buffy-esque snappy battle patter!

I kind-of hope that ISN'T Infectious Lass-- I prefer her classic or TMK look.

Thanks for the excellent review, Toddster.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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BRAINIAC "David" 5.

- Elysion's overweening hubris makes him a fine fill-in for "Goliath", but it's actually Atom Girl who gets to play the giant role here. B5 getting down-n-dirty is my favorite flavor of Brainy. This scene exceeded expectations, not only for AG's spectactular entrance/exit, but Brainy's practical use of his intellect.

Fingers crossed that Elysion will survive the next couple of issues, 'cause I think he could be a fine recurring villain. And those are few and far between, these days.

- Yeah, Elys is such a unrepentent maniac, I'd love to see him paired up someday with one of the Legion's *classic* maniacs - like Mekt. Imagine the damage those two nasty boys could do together!

Put down your toy, Brainyboy. Time to get that 12th level intel hummin' and restore the life of that beauty with the red 'deceased' stamped across her face on the roll call page. I can't *wait* to see what you come up with to outthink death.

- And if it turns out Brainy really isn't smart enough to outthink death, he's still plenty smart enough to construct a Dreamy-Bot ... in his sleep. Seriously, though, I think you might have hit on it, intentionally or not. See my response below for Atom Girl.

INVISIBLE KID: Lyle's bravery and persistance is more than admirable. He'd almost get 'Legionnaire of the month', if there were such a thing (hmmm- maybe there should be?). But someone else shone just a touch brighter, IMO.

- Lyle continues to ascend the list of my 3boot favorites. The kid really earned his flight ring this issue. All that remains is for Atom Girl to acquit him of suspicions of treachery. The fact that the "microuniverse" bubble was located in Brainy's lab makes it clear SHE was the tattletale. But we sort of knew that all along.

DREAM GIRL: Others have already mentioned the similarity between the ADVENTURE Lightning Lad's glass coffin and Dreamy's force-field one.

- The analogy is apt but, as LL himself will attest, there's sometimes a high price to pay for returning from the dead. I believe that Dreamy *will* come back, but she'll be forever changed somehow.

COSMIC BOY: 'Legion channel one'? Hmmm. "Every sentient within the sound of my voice", so he begins his announcement of the renamed Service. Does that mean only 'underagers' heard this? Or are others linked in? 'Overagers', too, as I've half-way wondered?

- If Lightning Lad - who is not wired to the Public Service - can hear/see "headgear" Cos on Ttrxl, I imagine everyone else can, too. I really hope 'Legion Channel One" becomes a permanent fixture, with Cos doing a weekly inspirational fireside chat a la FDR.

PROJECTRA: The many facets of Projectra. I don't have a clear sense of her- but I'm *heartily* glad she's no longer this team's deluded rich girl with no superpowers.

- I don't have a clear sense of her, either. I do love the idea of Jeckie and Brin as a couple but, to tell the truth, Jeckie herself doesn't move me that much. Maybe's it's because she was outdone in this issue in every respect by Atom Girl but somehow, I expected more of her first display of power. It fell a little flat for me. Also, the original Jeckie had a quiet, regal grace this version is completely lacking. I don't dislike her. I just don't find her very appealing yet.

I wonder if Cosmic Boy knew that she'd demonstrate these powers with the death of her parents? I sort of think he did.

Nah, probably not. If Cos had known about her hereditary powers, I think he would have mentioned it in his defense to Star Boy when SB criticized his morals for milking the powerless Jeckie like a cash cow.

ULTRA BOY: "Lead underwear" HA! But I thought penetra vision could see through lead, too?

- Correct, but Imra doesn't know that!! Jo is smarter than he appears. [Smile]

LIGHTNING LAD: Visually, it provides a nice foreshadowing of the LLad-Saturn Girl back-up tale-- Garth's last panel is a burst of yellow lightning; the back-up begins with a similar burst.

- Garth's visuals have been superb throughout the series, and especially in this issue. If Cos is a lot more "magnetic" than previous incarnations, and Light Lass "lighter", then 3boot Garth is certainly more "electric" as well. To quote Element Lad in last month's story, it seems "their true essence is shining through". Speaking of which ...

Foreshadowing. An apt word that also applies to the back-up in general. At least, I think it does. We'll soon see.

- Foreshadowing + Garth = Foreboding. Things seem to have gone well for him so far. Too well, maybe. Now that we've seen him take his first step onto his usual path to Hell (i.e., falling for Imra), it's probably only a matter of time before the 3boot Luck Lords catch up to him - figuratively if not literally. It's as if he's destined to live the same life over and over and over again. The way I view it (can I be more cynical?) this little story is not a matter of renewing a "sacred" Legion romance but of renewing a cosmic curse. Plus, I see a potentially serious problem looming on the political horizon (see my comments below for Saturn Girl).

CHAMELEON: Cham as a *coating* used to disguise Garth as Saturn Girl! Clever! Creepy! Altogether Oooky! His frazzled reaction to Garth's burst of lightning through the *coating* was priceless!

- "Creepy" is precisely the right word to describe the "Imra suit" as well as the idea of such intimate contact with a Durlan (blech). But I have to applaud WaK's creativity in coming up with a brand new application for Cham's powers after all these years. I just KNEW Cham's impersonations would pay off and here they do - wonderfully.

PHANTOM GIRL: "Well- dur! We'll fight our way out." Hee!

- I just wish they'd *do something* with her, though. So beautiful, so bland. (Plea to WaK: pleeeze don't ruin her by putting her back together with Jo. I beg you.)

BRIN LONDO: "Ultra Doof?" "Always said you were lazy." Banter or the beginnings of another Legionnaire rivalry?

- Now that Brin isn't sniffing around Jo's woman, they might make a good team - if they can manage to control their raging testosterone levels.

SATURN GIRL: Don't have much to say about her. The back-up seems to be a bit of fill-in-the-blank.

- I thought it was a lot more than "fill-in-the blank" if only for the strong parallels than ran through it. LL and SG's disparate views on political action - Imra's "Not ready...Take it slow" vs. Garth's "Move forward...change the galaxy" - define not only their vastly different personalities but the very nature of their age-old relationship, as well as the philosophical differences that have divided the 3boot Legion. Interestingly, it may be the case that Garth supports Cos more out of personal loyalty than anything else. His ambitions for change makes him sound more like a Brainy supporter. Will he be the one to switch sides? It's possible we're seeing the first hints that the founder trinity is not destined to last.

She seemed to have the hots for the Vashian leader.

- Nah. The little hussy was much too busy playing Garth like a violin from the very first panel. ("Oooh, how beeyouteeful, Garth! Now let me needlessly touch your arm."). Her signals to him are unmistakable, though his response was probably a little stronger than she originally bargained for.

KARATE KID: A few lines of fierce, steady, unflappable resolve. I love that page. I like Val's characterization and the way so much of it is revealed in a close-up of a bleakly calm face.

- And to think I always hated Karate Kid. WaK has (have?) performed a minor miracle with Val and, like Lyle, he really came into his own this issue.

ATOM GIRL: Is the bottom panel of page 2 a representation from the POV of the rock that is/was housing AG? Is that rock Imsk? Or is that a hasty conclusion?

- My guess is that the rock is an asteroid or planetoid in the bubble "microverse". She has to have been in the bubble for at least a few months because that's how long Karate Kid, who believed she was a hoax, has been on the team. Is Atom Girl really shy, or did something happen to piss her off?

The anesthetize/cauterize dialogue could signal a medical background... or just a creative style of battle-banter.

- MEDICAL! WHOA! THAT'S IT!! Brainy and Atom Girl are going to perform micro-surgery on Nura's brain and rekindle the tiny "spark of life" that remains in her. "Fantastic Voyage" redux, like her journey into Superboy's brain in Adv. #350. I hope so, anyway. [Big Grin]

SUMMING UP: ... and even the expositional Cosmic Boy. Lemnos is appearing more distinct and individual (his memory effects lifting?), which is a good thing. I think we need to know the motives of the masses of sentients prepared to make war awaiting transport on those portals. There are aspects to Lemnos, the UP and the Legion that need to be examined and explored.

- It's hard to miss the closely juxtaposed scenes of Cosmic Boy and Lemnos each rallying their respective armies at the same time. Waid himself remarked how closely the visions of these two men align, even if their methods do not. For that reason, and because of his undeniable powers of super-charisma, I haven't completely abandoned the idea that Lemnos is Lar Gand. If he's not, I still hope issue #13 isn't the last we see of him. As you say, there remains so much to be explored.

Some interesting faces at the end. Stereotypical probing alien boy ...

- Punkass Kid. My new hero! [Wink]

[ December 03, 2005, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Tromium:

I wonder if Cosmic Boy knew that she'd demonstrate these powers with the death of her parents? I sort of think he did.

Nah, probably not. If Cos had known about her hereditary powers, I think he would have mentioned it in his defense to Star Boy when SB criticized his morals for milking the powerless Jeckie like a cash cow.

I'm not sure "Just wait until her parents die!" would have left him in a morally superior position...
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Let me reframe my argument, then. If Cos knew about Jeckie's hereditary powers, wouldn't he have thought to ask her if they had emerged after her parent's deaths?? He still considered her powerless in issue #9, when he sent her to the TF homeworld. He didn't even suspect.

If Jeckie's sensory power is strictly familial, as opposed to racial, it's conceivable that not too many outsiders would know about it. Brin knew because (obviously) the two are close.

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Originally posted by Tromium:

COSMIC BOY: 'Legion channel one'? Hmmm. "Every sentient within the sound of my voice", so he begins his announcement of the renamed Service. Does that mean only 'underagers' heard this? Or are others linked in? 'Overagers', too, as I've half-way wondered?

- If Lightning Lad - who is not wired to the Public Service - can hear/see "headgear" Cos on Ttrxl, I imagine everyone else can, too.

Lightning Lad hears it because he's still connected to Cos via the Dormirians, though. Note that Cos has to take off his flight ring in order to use "Channel One".
From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by Tromium:

COSMIC BOY: 'Legion channel one'? Hmmm. "Every sentient within the sound of my voice", so he begins his announcement of the renamed Service. Does that mean only 'underagers' heard this? Or are others linked in? 'Overagers', too, as I've half-way wondered?

- If Lightning Lad - who is not wired to the Public Service - can hear/see "headgear" Cos on Ttrxl, I imagine everyone else can, too.

Lightning Lad hears it because he's still connected to Cos via the Dormirians, though. Note that Cos has to take off his flight ring in order to use "Channel One".
I wondered about that panel - thanks Eryk, now it makes perfect sense!

Todd, your Calling the Rolls are always great - you pick up on things I miss and I look forward to them every month.

"Tempus Fugitive" the final part of the Adventures of Dream Boy series, set in the Three-Boot Universe. Read it only in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.

From: here, more often than not | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Yeah, it does make more sense now. Note that Cos's costume doesn't morph into civvies when he takes off his ring, and he was also shown wearing his costume at the spaceport a few issues ago. Maybe he takes historical recreation a little TOO seriously.

On another note, I wonder if Transmatter Prime was just rendered temporarily inoperable or actually blown up. If the latter, there might be more reliance on rocket-ship travel for a while. One can hope.

Worth mentioning, too, is that Cham now has some rudimentary tracking skills as a byproduct of his bio-scanning power (he led the team to Skelter). Cham as the new Dawnstar/Shikari is rather an odd idea.

[ December 05, 2005, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Tromium:
... Cham as the new Dawnstar/Shikari is rather an odd idea.

You do like to live dangerously, don't you? [Smile]

Buy my new graphic novel!

From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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I was puzzled by the lack of costume morphing, but the "historical recreation" explanation does make a lot of sense for him.
From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Or perhaps Cos, who came before Brainy and his flight ring invention, has always had a real costume, and simply chose to continue wearing it even after the costume-morphing feature became available. The same might hold true for some of the other veteran team members as well.

[ December 05, 2005, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I loved this issue!

Brainiac 5: The guy really does always have something up his sleeve. This time it's an entire microverse with a hidden Legion operative! Having pulled of the deus ex machina with Atom Girl, I now believe he WILL bring Dream Girl back to life.

Atom Girl: I am psyched by her! I even like her code name. I agree her costume is too garish in coloration, but it's lines (and curves!) sure look great. Her "where am I?" schtick was hilarious.

Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl: I was delighted to see a story about how the 2 of them began to fall in love. I am not sure this story has ever been told convincingly, or at all even. I may be in the minority, but I am enjoying the "character-building" back-up stories. It reminds me of the early 1970s and early 1980s. Wasn't the Brainy/Supergirl Robot story a back-up?

What these stories do, especially for new readers (and to some extent, we are all "new" to this Legion) is hint that this is an interesting, rich imaginary world worth exploring further by buying more issues.

Timber Wolf: Interesting that HE knew about how Jeckie could get her powers. They obviously know A LOT about each other.

Projectra: She is turning into an awesome character, as well. I have to say I never liked her much in the original Legion, even in her split-down-the-middle outfit. Her hair always made me think she was a little old lady. Her haughty princess personality always turned me off. This Jeckie now has pathos and sadness behind her haughtiness (as did pre-boot Sensor Girl), and an interesting combination of wisdom and guilessness. A Princess without a planet may be much more interesting.

Karate Kid: Wise, confident, calm, collected and sarcastic. This is becoming the hallmark of the WaK Legion -- kids who stare death in the face and do so with a snark. It works because, as the Lightening Lad/Saturn Girl interlude points out again, they really believe in what they are doing. It is very intriguing to have characters who seem so confident and wise about their mission, but so awkward and uncertain about friendship, love, sex and parents. In other words, a great mix for a teen super hero comic!

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"

From: Chicago, IL | Registered: Jul 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sir Tim Drake

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Originally posted by doublechinner:
Wasn't the Brainy/Supergirl Robot story a back-up?

Indeed it was. (And in my opinion, it was better than the main story in that issue.)

[ December 20, 2005, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake

From: Providence, RI | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Khyddae Kryptoneum

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Double Chinner:
"A Princess without a planet may be more interesting."

Well, it worked in Star Wars....!


From: Bgtzl Proper | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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